
easter sunday // #capturingmymoments

Happy Easter everyone!  
What does your Easter Sunday look like?
What are your traditions?
Husband and I will head over to 
his parents a little later to search for our Easter 
baskets quickly followed by stuffing
our faces with chocolate (at least I will be)
and ham.  

Well, today is the end of the month
so that means I am going to share with you
my favorite #capturingmymoments 
photos from Instagram from the month
of March.  In case you are new around here,
the idea behind this project is to use the
hashtag above on Instagram to share your
moments with the IG community.  I hope to
see your moments in April!

Without further adieu, 
@bzlaforte - "Home made Alfredo sauce"
{my good friend, Bryan is an amazing cook and is always experimenting} 

@andiepants - "Taking advantage of a beautiful windy day"
{I wish I had places like this to go to a regular basis.  Isn't it gorgeous?}

@bustinjustin1986 - "fishing with my dad"
{What a special thing to be able to with you father.  Looks like a beautiful day too}

@ctomana - cute little family
{good friend's sweet little Cocker Spaniel.  And check out her bling!}

@diesel_girl_18 - "Smiling is my favorite"
{Looks like a fun time with girlfriends.  Laughter and girlfriends always does the body good}

@dontcallmejanet - "Sitting in the Park"
{One of the rare nice days we had this month.  What a great way to spend the afternoon.} 

@jennycorn11 - "Ziva lovin"
{SIL stealing kisses from family's foxy golden retriever, Ziva}

@juliewootv - moments 
{Gorgeous capture of lit candles}

@kel_dub - "Missing you"
{Reunited family}

@kkh825 - "Happy Birthday"
{Gorgeous family out to celebrate a birthday}

@krissythemcmc - "When small things are the big things"
{Sweet capture of a little hand.  Love moments like this.}

@sydthekid15143 - "Sunshine with Murphy"
{Fun moment with an adorable pup while out enjoying some sunshine}

@jennymcelle - "Up!"
{Flower buds and blue skies.  What's not to love?}

Thanks to everyone who participated.  This
seems to be growing a little.  Last month I
only shared 9, this month I had 13.  Please
keep it up!  Be sure to follow everyone and 
share with your friends.  I look forward
to checking out everyone's moments throughout 
the day.  

***And please remember, if you do not want me to share your photos on my blog just let me know.  However, I would still love for you to share your moments using the hashtag though***

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day hunny.

Like my attempt at sounding ghetto 
with the title to this post?
Personally, I think I can pull it off. 
Just me?  Whatevs.

Anyway, today today today todayyyyyy is day ONE HUNDRED 
of this little 365 Project I have been doing. 
The husband promised to take me out
to celebrate but that may have to wait until
next weekend.  

Mar 23, 2013.  Day 93 of 365.
"Library Steps"
"Vine Covered"
"Blue Skies"
"Whiskey" again
"Library Reflection"
{All of the above were taken on my 4 mile trek through Ambridge, the town I live in, on a gorgeous sunny Saturday.  Again, I couldn't choose my favorite)

Mar 24, 2013.  Day 94 of 365.
"Egg Dyeing" 
{Instead of using white eggs, the in-laws hard boiled brown eggs.  The colors didn't turn out as brilliant and Easter-y like they would have if white eggs had been used but the result still was neat.} 

Mar 25, 2013.  Day 95 of 365.
"Spring Wonderland"
"Spring Wonderland"
{This was Monday.  Late March and snow covered.  Dislike.}

Mar 26, 2013.  Day 96 of 365.
"Rudy Print"
{My family's dog's paw print.}

Mar 27, 2013.  Day 97 of 365.
{I know it is underexposed but I kinda like it that way.}

Mar 28, 2013.  Day 98 of 365.
"If Not Now Then When"
{post of this here and here}

Mar 29, 2013.  Day 99 of 365.
"Bullet Proof" 
{Husband is on another phase.  Something with Bullet Proof in the title and these coffee beans.  I am not really sure what is special about it because I stop listening.}

Mar 30, 2013.  Day 100 of 365. 
{If you wanted to know what it looks in the life of a person who just took their 100th photo in as many days,  see "Chillin."}

Okay, I am starting to get a little 
chilly typing this post on our front porch
in the shade so I am going take Justin and 
his 20/20 Experience back out to the hammock
for some Alyson time before husband gets home. 

Hope everyone has a good Easter!

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saw it. pinned it. dit it. // if not now then when

According to Pinterest, I pinned this 14 weeks ago. 
I even wrote a blog post about it
way back in December
Well, I finally decided where I wanted
to display the simple yet powerful quote.

However, when I scored the cheap cheap cheap
cheap mirror in a black frame from the dollar store
I knew exactly what I wanted to do
with it.  And if I don't say so myself,
I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. 
Source via Pinterest

Whatcha think?

Linking up with Stephanie & Katie for my second 
Saw it.  Pinned it.  Did it. 

Happy Thursday everyone!  Maybe it is your Friday, as well?
I hope so:)

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my hero

While I am very lucky to consider many people in my life as inspiring, 
my husband though, is hands down, my hero. 
He is one of the smartest, kindest, and bravest men I know.
But not brave in the traditional sense.
I mean, he hasn't fought in a war or anything.
Acually, he once took off when we were camping because a dog 
was running quickly toward us.  He came back for me
to see if I was okay after he realized he what he had done though. 
I wasn't afraid or anything (even though maybe I should have been)
so I wasn't that upset about it. 

But brave in that he lives the life he wants to live
despite society's standards. 
It's a running joke in his family that husband goes through phases. 
And he doesn't do anything in moderation. 
Moderation does not exist in his vocabulary.  Seriously.
I am pretty sure if you looked up "go big or go home" in the dictionary
you'd see a picture of him next to it.

Some of his "phases" include:
-quitting a good paying job to learn how to build cob houses in Oregon for 6 weeks. 
-train for a marathon, running before and after work, to get in the mileage leading him to 
becoming burnt out and not run but still run the damn thing after 
not running for 2 months.  
-training, mornings and nights again, for triathlons
-going back to school to become a Massage Therapist.  His undergrad was in IST.  
-juice fasting for 47 days.  
-driving down to the Washington, DC area to buy a 1985 Mercedes
and converting it to run on veggie oil. 
-traveling, by himself might I add, down to Peru to spend 10 days puking and
shitting his brains while taking Ayahuasca

Since I have known him, he has always beat to his own drum.
But that is why I love him. 
It is so much easier to succumb to societies standards. 
But it takes, in my opinion, great strength and bravery to
stand up to those standards and become the person you feel most comfortable being.

He has finally created a life for himself where
he feels he is making a difference.
No longer sitting behind a desk in a cubicle mindlessly
typing on a computer for "the man" but helping others
to relax or relieve pain.
He comes home with a smile on his face
and excitedly tells me some of the most amazing
stories of the lives of the people he meets.
And that is so refreshing to see.

Even though I often poke fun and tease him,
he is someone I aspire to be like every day of my life.
He is my absolute best friend and I feel very
lucky to be the one he chose to spend the
rest of his life with.

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cover me up {Music Monday}

Thanks to those annoying Enterprise commercials,
Rusted Root still gets stuck in our heads.
It's okay because I don't think I would
ever get sick of that song anyway.

But it was not until recently that I learned that they 
came out with a new album at the end of October. 
While my favorite song on the album is titled
Cover Me Up, the clips I found on YouTube for said song
would not show up when I searched them to
be able to play on this post. 

So, I went with the song that also happens to be the
name of the album. 
Rusted Root - "The Movement

We go down with the mark goes up,
Still you don’t hesitate to write us off.

I said it before, if you gave us all you know
We wouldn’t know anyhow.

Anyhow, don’t sleep, don’t sleep,
‘cause this movement is now for free.

So many, come to boom-boom steady, it’s a movement in the sun.

We go down and all of us
We go down, my friend.
I said this before, if you gave us all you,
Something in your head is killing us, 
You’re manic on and on and on and on.

So don’t you hit, don’t you run,
Can’t you see it’s just for fun?

Anyhow, no more of lonely charge,
It’s a movement inside of me.

So many, come to boom-boom steady, it’s a movement in the sun.
So many, come to boom-boom steady, it’s a movement in the sun.

We go down with the mark goes up,
Still you don’t hesitate to write us off.
I said it before, if you give us all you know

We wouldn’t know anyhow.

Anyhow, don’t sleep, don’t sleep,
‘cause this movement is now for free.
Anyhow, don’t sleep, don’t sleep,
‘cause this movement is now for free.

So many, come to boom-boom steady, it’s a movement in the sun.
So many, come to boom-boom steady, it’s a movement in the sun.

I hope you enjoy and the leader singer's voice

brings back the same sense of nostalgia I feel
when I hear it. 

linking up with:

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b&w photos room

We have been living in our house for about
two and a half years and we have never really gotten around
to decorating.  When my mom visited within the first
year we had the house she helped by adding some
of her SueB touches.  However, we never got
around to adding to what she did.
My mom has got the eye for this kind of stuff.  I do not. 
I am not crafty.  Never have been. 
TGFP (thank God for Pinterest) though.

When I was recently visiting my parents in STL last Spring 
and this past Christmas, I came across some of these
amazing black & white photos from my grandparents's 
weddings and life.  

At first, I had planned on buying cheap frames and brightly painting them
(reds, yellows, oranges) to make
a photo wall collage behind our couch in the living room.
But since I have ADD get easily distracted this project
was never finished.  Even though there is proof of my attempt
on the floor of our front porch.

My main excuse for never getting around to decorating was always,
"we don't have the money to spend on that right now."
Which is true.  But that will always be true.  I mean,
I would much rather spend my money on things like
clothes, nail polish, alcoholic beverages, etc anyway.
But since both husband and I have finally accepted that we will
be in this house for at least another 5 years, I
knew I wanted it to feel more homey.
So I decided to turn on my Pinterest inspired thinking cap on
and finally do something with these photos.

Both our living room and dining room have brown furniture.  We bought
the living room table, chairs, and buffet that is in the living room for $300
from a friend's parents.  Talk about a freakin' steal.
I would like to do something with the dining room chair cushions.
But, THAT, my friend is for a different day and time.
(any suggestions are welcome).
Anyway (see I told you I get easily distracted), I was hesitant to
hang up black & white photos in a room with brown
furniture, but since the black and brown combo doesn't seem
to be thought of as horrendous as it once was, I thought what better
room then the dining room.

In addition to the old photos of my grandparents I have a few
black & white photos of my own that I wanted to
display but felt they didn't really fit in the living room.
So, once I decided I wanted to hang up my grandparents
wedding photos in the dining room the idea came to me
make it the black & white photo room.
Like I mentioned above, I had no intention of spending loads
of money on picture frames, so I headed out to
Goodwill and the Dollar Store in search of cheap - but not too cheap looking -
frames.  The frames I did find that were not black
I just spray painted them black.

Needless to say, as if this would surprise you 
while looking at this mess, I was a bit overwhelmed by
this project at first.  But once I got started I was flying. 

These bare walls and bland paint color was starting to make me a little crazy. 

Since my brain is not crafty or organized, I used painter's tape
to line the walls before I hung up the photos.
Over the Summer when I was bored I decided
to finally hang up some photos and I ended up
hammering decent sized wholes in the wall because
I didn't have a plan before I started.
Lesson learned. 

These were the only photos I was able to get up
since I ran out of frames for the other photos.
I plan on hitting up the Dollar Store and Goodwill again
this week to find some more though.

What do you think?

In addition to hanging up all of the photos, I would like to add some
black curtains to make the room feel complete.
And yesterday, as I walked to the hardware store to get the
painters tape, I stopped in an antique store and fell in love
with vintage liquor beveled glass decanters
(this kinda style in case you aren't following me).
I am hoping to find a free standing shelf in black
(or at least one I can paint black) to display the liquor decanters to.o

Alright, now it is time to snuggle up with the husband
watch The Avengers for the 100th time.  Can't
get enough of Chris Hemsworth these days so I
am not complaining:)

Hope you had a nice weekend and a pleasant and relaxing Sunday!

What about you?  Do you have a project at home that 
you have been wanting to tackle?
Where do you go for home decorations on a budget? 

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