
three sixty five

Since I didn't have my big camera for a while (because I couldn't find the battery charger), and even though I was still taking a photo-a-day, I wasn't really feeling it.  Does that ever happen to you, get into sort of a funk and stop doing what makes you happy?  That was me.  And I guess it wasn't until right now that I realized that is what was happening.  Anyway, instead of boring with you almost a months worth of photos, I thought I would just share with you some of my favorites.  Many of the these were taken with my iPhone5, so sorry.

Sept 29, 2013.  Day 283 of 365. 
"PA Capitol"
This was taken while we were walking around Harrisburg the morning after a friend's wedding looking for breakfast.

Sept 30, 2013.  Day 284 of 365.
I love watching as little girlfriend gets herself comfortable once I put her down for her naps.  And yes, the two binkies are a necessity. 

Oct 1, 2013.  Day 285 of 365
"Pumpkin Patch"
The Sewickley United Methodist Church sells pumpkins every year to raise money for the church.  I walked by with little girlfriend while big girlfriend was in school. 

Oct 5, 2013.  Day 289 of 365
"Lakeview Vineyards 2"
Our last Vineyard we visited with friends while wine tasting in North East, PA.

Oct 6, 2013.  Day 290 of 365. 
"Fall Bike"
Taken with one of my favorite iPhone apps, CrossProcess, while biking the 12+mile loop of Presque Isle the day after our day of wine tasting.  

Oct 9, 2013.  Day 293 of 365. 
"Blvd Commute"
On the way to visit with my favorite Ginger 1 year old. 

Oct 12, 2013.  Day 296 of 365. 
"City Skyline"
Taken on my solo walk to see the Duck.  I just love Pittsburgh.  It really is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. 

Oct 14, 2013.  Day 298 of 365. 
"Holding On Tight"
Little girlfriend grabbing on to my leg while we played in the leaves. 

"Crisp Leaves"
I just love the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet and the smell of fresh Autumn air. 

Oct 16, 2013.  Day 300 of 365. 
"Let's Get The Fire Started"
I took my girlfriends over to their grandparents house because work was being done at their house.  While little girlfriend slept, and big girlfriend was in school, I sat by this fireplace and caught up on my favorite reads.  I miss having a fire place.  Real or not. 

Oct 17, 2013.  Day 301 of 365. 
"Sleepy Hollow"
Foggy drive to hang out with my girlfriends. 

Oct 18, 2013.  Day 302 of 365. 
"Fall Leaf"
Brilliant red leaf I found while walking in a park by our house. 

Oct 22, 2013.  Day 306 of 365. 
"Driveway Shadows" 
"Tree Lined Driveway2"
"Tree Lined Driveway"
This driveway has been begging me to pull over to take it's photo for days.  I finally did yesterday after I drop girlfriend off at school. 

Heading to the Apple Store now:(  Stupid phone hasn't been working properly.  It has been updated and I have attempted to restore it twice on my own but to no avail.  Hoping Apple techs can fix it.  And hopefully they are able to keep the photos I took on there because there is a photo from Sunday on there.  It is the only 365 I am missing right now.  So send a little prayer and/or positive vibes up to the Iphone photography and Apple gods this morning for me.  Thanks in advance.

What have you been capturing lately?
Have you ever completed a photo-a-day challenge?

Linking up with Shanna today! 

until next time
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  1. impressed you were able to bike and take a photo at the same time and manage to have it look great!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my page, and for your nice comment! Your pictures are so beautiful! The picture of the bike and the leaves on the ground are gorgeous!! I just recently got an "Olympus Pen" camera, and had apparently built up some false confidence by shooting inanimate objects--when I tried to take pictures of my niece this weekend she was a constant blur! :)



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