
case of the mondays

A downside to being a nanny are the sicknesses.  I very rarely got sick (even though I used the hell out of my sick days) before I started working as a nanny.  Luckily, so far I have only had one cold (while the kiddos are on their 4th).  So this weekend was spent being lazy on the couch finishing Alias for the 3rd time and blowing my nose constantly (greasy hair and all).  

However, I did get off the couch on Sunday to see Thor 2 (two words: Chris Hemsworth) with the husband.   We both really enjoyed it.  And I laughed a lot too.  And I just love to hate Loki.  I mean he is just the best bad guy.  Tom Hiddleston plays him so well.  But I did personally find Natalie Portman to be extremely annoying in both the Thor movies.  I don't know what it is because I usually love her, she just doesn't do it for me as Jane Foster.  

And since today I had THE most emotionally draining day - had to take the girlfriends to get a check-up and shots (tears and screaming and all) - I would like to share 5 little things that got me through today.  

{one}I may or may not have just housed more than a few handfuls of Angie's Kettle Corn from Costco.  In case you were wondering where you could purchase crack legally, then there you go.

{two}Husband bought me chocolate milk today.  I work with kids all day, what do you expect?

{three}Husband cleaned the house today.  He even unclogged the drain.  And while we are on that subject, can you recommend any good natural conditioner?  I have been using coconut oil which has done wonders for my hair but we are pretty sure it clogs the shit out of our drains.  Help!

{four}Crocheting with a side of Strongbow.  (There goes my diet for the day). 

{five}Alyson time while the husband has his one massage of the day.

How was your weekend?
How was your Monday?
What helps you get you through the first day of the week?

Linking up with Tarole, Sami, and Paulina today! 
until next time
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  1. Showing love back to you!
    I'm sorry you're sick (kids seriously give you more illnesses than imaginable) but it sounds like you have a wonderful husband to help make the things you can control a little better.

    Feel better soon and have a great week!

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for linking up with us this week :)

  3. wine. wine when i get home from work. that's what gets me through a case of the Mondays - and Tuesdays - and Wednesdays - and Thursdays - and, well I think you get it ;-)


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