
Capturing My Moments Hashtag Project: a re-introduction

Since introducing my idea for a hashtag project on Instagram back in November I had plans of sharing my favorites on a weekly basis.  I do really hate to make excuses but life just kinda happened and kept putting it on the back burner as something I would do tomorrow or next week.  And we all know how that goes.  Never gets done.

However, recently I was reminded by one of the biggest participants in the hashtag project, @krissythemcmc, that I hadn't posted anything since my initial blog post.  Silly me!  Even in my absence to follow through it has grown from 27 photos to currently 225!  If you ask me, that is pretty exciting.

So, I invite you all, again, to make sure to use the hashtag #capturingmymoments on Instagram to share your favorite moments throughout your day.  Again, if you don't have Instagram you can email your photos to me at acornmanphotography@gmail.com or post them on my Facebook wall.  And I would like to share them with you all as well, so I have designated the last day of each month to share with you my favorites here in my little section of the blogosphere.

But first, since I have gotten so far behind I'd like to share my favorites since my first post:









I'll be checking on a daily basis from now so keep them coming everyone and please let your friends know!  I am always amazed at how many of you have such a great eye for a good photograph.  It truly is amazing how far the camera phone has come along which allows us to capture such great photos and moments:) 

Oh and if you're interested I am @acornphotography on Instagram:) 

Until the 28th... 
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