
First check-in

Happy New Year!!! How is everyone feeling today? I was exhausted and spent most the day in a sleepy fog. I hope that isn't any indication of what 2013 will be.

Well, today is the first day of 2013. And you know what that means? Yep, you got it. Time to share what I've been doing so far toward my resolutions/goals for the upcoming year.

Resolution #1: Be Healthier
Today was my first day (in a long time) of really being careful of what I eat.  We had a late lunch/breakfast at Eat N' Park (all you yinzers can appreciate this).  I had a breakfast sandwich with a gluten free bun and hash browns with a side of fruit. And if you follow me on instagram, my fourth cup of coffee.  ever.  We also just got back from a dinner of sauerkraut, pork and potatoes at the in-laws'.  Like I mentioned in this post I wanted to start cutting back on gluten and dairy as much as possible again.  While today was not perfect in that regard, I could have been a lot worse.  And I am not going to let today (even if it is just the first day) set me back.  I really need to remember to just take one day at a time.

Resolution #2: Complete a 365 challenge
I have already begun this process and have really enjoyed it!  I secretly get excited when I wake up thinking of the next thing I will capture.  I also purchased this book for my Kindle which I am excited to start reading.  Photoshop might as well be in a different language at this point but hoping the book will help!

Resolution #3: Make more time of Us
While we haven't made any definite plans to get away together or date nights yet, we have been thinking of different things we can do.  Hello travelzoo, Groupon and Livingsocial!  Along with this, I have been (even if he doesn't see it yet) more cognizant of my iPhone time when hanging out with husband.  Big shocker, but I am addicted to my phone and am constantly checking it.  When we are together, just him and I, I will be more aware and focus on the present.

Resolution #4: Spend more time with friends
While I haven't scheduled anything yet with friends there are many plans in the works!

Resolution #5: Really start to save money
This has been hard as we have both been off for a 1.5 weeks.

How have you done with your resolutions so far?  I know it's only been one day but I know how hard the first day can be.

Cheers to 2013!

P.S. If you are interested in a custom made Blog Post signature, like Melissa Rose Graphic Design on Facebook for your new F-R-E-E blog signature! 

Kisses from the Mrs.


  1. Oh my goodness I feel you on the addicted to the phone thing!! I have to be careful with that too or else my husband says I'm having an affair with my phone! And you've inspired me with the 365 in 365! I loved your first post on it :) such beautiful photos

    1. I know, isn't it the worst. It's like I feel it calling my name haha. Have you started a 365 Project? If so, I would love for you to share!

  2. My goals for this year are so similar to yours. I especially want to focus on the making more time for my boo and friends. I'm on day two of my 365 photo challenge that you inspired me to do. I bought photoshop almost a year ago and still don't understand all the tricks. I should probably invest in that book.

    1. From reading your blog I can tell we have a lot in common! I am excited to see your photos from your 365 Project! And I will let you know how the book goes. I really hope it helps.


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