
weekend sha nay nays

My last weekend of no plans was Sept 13th.  And it doesn't look like it is going to stop.  But that's okay because I actually have an excuse to dress up this year for a Halloween party on Saturday!   

Anyway, my weekend was spent walking around a craft show in Columbiana, OH called Christmas in the Woods.  It's become a tradition with us Cornwomen.  It's a day that starts off with a healthy McDonald's breakfast and Starbucks Cafe Mocha, followed by a few hours of walking around the different craft booths (some people are just so damn talented) before we have another healthy meal of sauerkraut and hot dogs.  Luckily we spent most of the day walking around so I'd like to think we burned at least a few of the calories we ingested.  

Pretty much all of my money goes to St. Johnsbury Candles every year.  This year I only bought two though (which took some serious self control by the way!), Apple Cider & my favorite Vermont Christmas.  And the only photos I have to show are the traditional photo of the group 

and THIS guy... 
I mean, the kilt.  the sweater.  the mullet.  I just can't. 
(above two photos courtesy of my SIL's facebook)

And the weekend ended with this video. (sorry I don't know how to embed an instagram vid to blogger yet.  any help?)  But the cuteness?!  Can you hardly stand it?  Seriously made my heart smile. 

How was your weekend?
Anything crazy?

Linking up with Sami and Bre today! 
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1 comment:

  1. Haha! That guy is hilarious. Thanks for sharing, made me lol.


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