
an opportunity

It may sound funny to say I am thankful for a job I left a year and a half ago but I am.  I was hired as an intern with dreams of continuing school and one day having my own Psychology office.  However, I quickly learned that working in the field of Psychology was no longer a passion I had.  I stayed for there for 5 years longer than I ever intended but with those five years I learned many things.

I am a morning person.  I am much more productive before noon than I am any other time of the day. 
If I had not enjoyed the internship as much as I did, and then given the opportunity to become an employee, I probably would not have met my now husband.  
I am a hard worker. 
Coworkers can become some of your best friends and even family. 
How to be compassionate even if I don't understand.
I am in more control of my emotions than I ever thought.
Wine does in fact make a rough day so much better. 
The field of psychology is not for me. 
And staying in a job just because you think there is no where else for you to go is not worth sacrificing your happiness for. 

What opportunities are you grateful for?

Linking up with Tiffany, Kenzie, and Kimberly today! 

until next time
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1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great outlook. I agree with you, staying in a job because you feel you have no other options is definitely NOT worth it.

    I have had many opportunities in my life that I am thankful for. I have been in the Medical field for 7 years and I am glad I never went to nursing school or any direct patient care training programs. I have zero desire. I am a much better advocate and am glad that is where I found my calling!

    Great post!

    I found you via the Let's Be Friends Blog Hop!



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